Before ILLUSORISCH born, I have come up with different ideas to be my graduation project topic. Way back to January when the Corona virus problem is still not that serious, I planned to go out and take some random snap shot of people on the street and discuss about the power and the right between the photographer and the subject that being shot. I hope to discuss about different problems that brought by photography through this action. But unfortunately, we all see the situation is getting worser from time to time, so I decided to change my topic and try to find another suitable topic that can be done indoor.
After exploring my house, I found a few elements that are interesting to shoot. For example glass cup, vase and some light transmitted materials. I found that they can produce stunning and amazing visual effects when I pointed some spot light to it.

The light reflection is extraordinary and I have never seen anything like that before, it really shocks me.
But after discussing with my advisor, I think the meaning and the aim is not strong enough for my GT, and at the same time, we came up with the Gestalt Phycology. I am interested in those Gestalt Laws and how our brain kind
of trick us by informing us what we have seen as a whole.
Therefore, I modified my topic and do researches on the Gestalt Phycology and related topic like illusion. I found a lots of materials in my house and make good use of it. I do a lots of testing with different lighting, angles, focal length, to look for the best outcome.
The setting for shooting photos in my house
After taking a bunch of photographs, I have to decide which photos are the most suitable based on the topic and aim that I set up. Beauty is not what I am seeking for, but those that makes the audience confuse and indulge in that visual experience. I do not want the audience to be side tracked by the beauty of my photos, so I always remind myself that "I am not taking photos with a beautiful outcome" while I am testing out different materials.
Touch up of the photos are also necessary to bring up more detail and create the most suitable mood that I want. I chose to use black and white is because I want the audience to focus on the pattern and light and shadow part, instead of the eye-catching colour.

With such a short period of time and lack of material support, I think it is a big challenge for me to finish this artwork. But I found myself enjoyable during the whole process from conceive to action. I found many new point of view in photography which I never thought of before. Perspective, lighting, focal length, each of the element have their very important position, even a little change may have a very large different. I also learnt that sometimes photography is not all about beautiful things or stories or colourful patterns, but the topic and messages that the photographers or artists want to present. Take "ILLUSORISH" as an example, this artwork is not about beauty. Beautiful pattern may side-track the audiences to another direction or mood which lead to failure of achieving my aim behind. How your photos be chosen will affect the mood and consistency on the whole artwork.