Everyone have memories. And from these memories, we have the ability to recognise different object, even with a very complicated structure. But how do our brain works actually?
According to Gestalt Principles/Laws, it was found that human will group similar elements, recognised patterns and simplify complex images when we perceive objects. There are a list of laws and features that come from this Gestalt Principles, for example law of closure, law of common region and law of proximity
(see more information in RESEARCH AND REF.)

Before we have a more in-depth thinking or recognising to an object, our brain already give you some pre-set or information on that. It seems that our vision have its own intelligent to process the message way before the brain does. And sometimes, due to this mechanism of our brain, we are able to create illusion or confusion or some visual excitement by playing with different pattern or object, lighting and angle.
By further development and with the usage of the gestalt principles, Illusorisch, a series of photos which aims to provide visual impact and confusion experience to the audiences, is created. By looking at the photos, audiences may need to pay afford to process the photos and indulge in that indescribable experience and confusion.